
Leaving No One Behind
Yayasan Ipoh (YI) was set up in 1982 to help those with disabilities. The purpose of this foundation is to raise funds to support the rehabilitation services of its therapy arm, Persatuan Pemulihan Sultan Azlan Shah.
Persatuan Pemulihan Sultan Azlan Shah (PPSAS) was incorporated as a rehabilitation centre to provide therapy services to all in need.
Your tax deductible donation will be channelled to Yayasan Ipoh.
our Mission
At Yayasan Ipoh we rehabilitate the disabled in order that they can be participating
members of their community.
CEO's Message
We do not treat them as objects of charity, rehabilitation
or special services but as equal-rights holders in society.
Our Events
Job Fair for OKU, Colouring Contest, Dance Competition, Food and Fun Fair, Go Green Fan Art Contest and many more.
Our Profile
The latest version of the Yayasan Ipoh Corporate Profile as of November 2019 is available
for download.
Our Services
Rehabilitative centre

Sensory Garden for disabled

Tax Exempt organisation